starches for wet-end addition are dominated by cationic starch which either serves to support the retention system or dewatering or to enhance paper strength.
湿部添加淀粉糊化方法 application
在糊化桶中加入清洁冷水,开动搅拌(搅拌速度60-100转/分钟左右),慢慢加入选用的产品,搅拌均匀后,通蒸汽直接或夹套加热(直接通蒸汽时应避免高温、高压),糊化浓度约为3%-6% ,升温至90-95℃,并在此温度下保温20分钟。使用前用清洁水将糊化液稀释到1%-2%,并搅拌均匀备用。
open vessel with clean cool water and stirrer. open vessel at solids up to 3%-6% and cook by steam.20 min batch cooking at 90-95℃. please dilute the paste with water to 1%-2% before use.
addition point: if there is any question during the use of starches for wet-end addition, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
addition rate: 5-30kg starch per ton of paper
